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Living Wage Accredited!!!

Here at iDeliver, we strive to look for new ways to continue providing the best possible service we can to our customers, while being a fair and ethical employer creating an environment that is fun, fast-paced and challenging.


Time and time again our customers commend us on the fantastic service we offer, which both Paul and I could not maintain without our amazing drivers! It was, for this reason, why iDeliver adopted the Living Wage and has successfully become an Accredited Living Wage Employer (see www.livingwage.org.nz for more information).


Delivering the best service possible is only part of our mission. Striving to better the lives of the people we are privileged to employ is equally important as we strongly believe you can’t achieve one without the other!


We are excited to be the first employer in the New Zealand Transport Industry to become an accredited employer and want to challenge our competitors to follow in our footsteps.

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