0800 iDeliver or 0800 433 548

Select the Pricing Group supplied in your welcome pack in the dropdown below

Below is our interactive Price Zone map.
Search an address or business name in the search box below, and click Search to identify which zone the address/business is in. Your current location will display as a house in a red pin.

This map is to be used in conjunction with your supplied welcome pack and/or pricing guide.


  • Consignments collected and delivered with the same zone will be charged at that zone rate
  • Consignments collected in one zone and delivered to another, the higher of the two zones will be the charge rate.
  • Zone colours correlate to the Prepaid Ticket colour/zone required.
  • If your consignment is collected or delivered from within a Rural Delivery Zone, you will be charged the appropriate Zone rate + an additional Rural Delivery Fee for the consignment

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